Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Sweet Sensations: Journal Entry

I gave my project this title because it thought that it fit it very well. Candy is sweet and the sounds of music that come out of a guitar are sensational.
Starting this project I wasn’t really sure why I was using the materials I did and also the point of it. I wanted to do a mobile project and I thought that this would be a good idea. I knew for sure I also wanted to use candy.  
The process of putting together my project took a lot of time and commitment. I wanted to have a mobile project, at first i wanted to use the candy and made a wind chime out of it. I then realized that there would be no point in make a wind chime if it didn’t make noise. So, I came across using the candy and making a pinata out of it. I bought a guitar pinata and many different kinds and colors of candy. I bought M&M’s, sour patch kids, dots, gummy bears, and gummy sharks. I cut all the fringe things off the pinata and put them in the inside. I separated the candy into colors and glued them on the pinata on the appropriate places. I had to wait for each section to dry before I could continue onto the next.  
I don’t really know my intensions of choosing these materials for my project. After starting it and analyzing it, I started to connect with it. I love candy and especially the kinds I used, but also I love music, especially acoustic. It was something different from what I did last time. I really wanted to step up on this project and show that I worked harder and did a better job than my last one. I really feel confident in this project and feel good about it.

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