Saturday, November 20, 2010

Background Behind - Running Emotions: Journal Entry

I wrote this piece to allow others to see the background of my Running Emotions Project. It really makes you think.. answer the questions in your head. It's hard to share such horrific memories and thoughts with you, but art is all about expressing emotions and either taking pictures, sculpting, poetry and so many other things. I believe this is art. I am expressing my past in a poem that i wrote. I hope you enjoy it. 

Do you know what it's like to live with fear? 
To be afraid every day of your life, and to know you can't escape from the the source of your fear?
Do you know what it's like to struggle for acceptance, and find only
criticism and condemnation instead?
Do you know what it's like to wake in the morning and know that nothing
you do today will be right?
Do you know what it's like to wake in the morning and KNOW that today you will be hit.  To know that if today is a "good" day, you'll only get a couple of slaps across the face, and if it's a bad day, you could find a hand around your neck, shutting off your windpipe until you pass out.
Do you know what it's like to hear words such as "you're useless", "you're
stupid", "no-one will ever love you", and to hear these words so often you
believe them?
Do you know what it's like to feel as if every breath you draw is a waste of
oxygen. To feel as if suicide is the only option, but be too afraid to do it.   Do you know what it feels like to think you are so useless you can't even kill yourself?
Do you know what it is like to reach for help, only to find none, and then
find things are actually worse because the one causing your pain now holds
another grudge against you?

If you answered no, then you are lucky, 
because it means you have never been abusedIf you answered yes, then I pray you have had the courage and strength to turn your life around, and find all the beauty and goodness buried deep inside you. Because it IS there, no matter what anyone else tells you. The healing road is long and hard, but it is worth the journey.

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