Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Project Proposal - Journal Entry.

Project Proposal
Name: Wrapped In Ribbons
Create a display/object that specifically addresses aspects of collecting and or museum practices. This artwork can demonstrate a myth, a superstition, a scientific, historical or biographical event, a re-enactment or a collection. It can be completely fictional. 
To display my project I am going to take each ribbon and make a bow out of them. I am going to display them on a cork board or something so that I can hang the bows up. I will put labels by each bow saying what age I turned and what the gift was. The ribbons will be spread out in some sort of repetitive order, but in order of age.
My Intent in displaying the ribbons for my project is to show the family background and traditions that we have kept doing throughout the years. To show people that the little things in life such as a ribbon can mean and express so much in someones life. Each ribbon I have has a background behind it.Each ribbon has a value to me. 
Story Behind
It’s been a tradition in my family to save one of your the ribbons that was on a present that you got from our parents. So, I have 19 ribbons that I have been saving since I was one years old. I kept a list of each gift that came with the ribbons. The ribbons are very important to me -  even though I am going to be using them in my project I am still going to continue to collect the ribbons until my last birthday.

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